Thursday, May 3, 2012

How to Install Age of Empires Online / NFS World to Drive other than System Partition

I was installing Age of empires Online on my PC. My system partition (C:\) was almost full. So i installed it on another drive. But by default it download the game files (patch files) to User's home folder ("C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Age of Empires Online") to prevent the any privilege issues. But its about 4 GB of Data. And they don't offer any option to download them to another drive. So I have to find a solution to this. This is how I did it, and I am sharing it you all as it would become useful to every one.
My solution is using Symbolic link. That is you have the AOE folder in another drive and a link to that in C drive. Here is the procedure to do it. You must have already installed the game which will take about 20MB of space.
  • If you haven't run the AOE Online launcher (AOEOnline.exe) (Proceed to Section below if  you already started the download to C:\)
  1. Create the "Age of Empires Online" folder in a drive you have enough empty space (about 5 GB) (Ex: F:\Age of Empires Online)
  2. Run the command prompt as Administrator
  3. Create a symbolic link to the folder you created just now in "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft"
  4. This is syntax - mklink  /d "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Age of Empires Online" "F:\Age of Empires Online"
  • Here /'d 'is a option for 'mklink' command to specify directory
  • 'UserName' is the user name of the account in your PC used to play the game (Ex: C:\Users\Shan\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Age of Empires Online)
  • You must exit the launcher while you do this
  • If you already run the launcher,
  1. Move the "Age of Empires Online" folder in "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft" to a drive you have enough space. (Cut and Paste)
  2. Run the command prompt as Administrator
  3. Create a symbolic link to the folder you created just now in "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft"
  4. This is syntax - mklink  /d "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Age of Empires Online" "F:\Age of Empires Online"
That's all to do. For Need For Speed World its the same thing. Only thing that is to be change is the folder location in system partition where it is downloaded to.( mklink  /d "C:\ProgramData\Electronic Arts\Need For Speed World" "F:\Need For Speed World")
Have Fun !!!

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